|       |       |            MARAMURES TOUR    







I.                   PARTIES:


         Signed today ………………………….. between SC. CALEA LACTEE SRL. resident in      Baia Mare, str. Dobrogei, no.1/30, CUI 8638501 as LOCATOR ,

       and name and first name/ SC. ………………………………………………………………….resident in …………………………………………… , str-nr .……………………………………....... identitydocument / CUI ……………series ……no…………………………………., personal number code ………………………………., as RENTER of the car :………………………………. with the nr. ………………………


II.                RENTING CONDITIONS :

 The LOCATOR must fulfill the following conditions :

-          minimum age 21 years old and maximum age 75

-          to have a driving license valid for at least 1 year

-          to have with him the original and a Xerox copy of the following documents :

           a .passport for foreign citizens or the ones with double citizenship

           b .identity card for Romanian citizens

           c .driving license

         The RENTER will be guilty if he does not use the car as a good owner.



        -The car will be rented in good conditions without any defects. Any complaint referring to the technical state of the car will be acknowledged to the LOCATOR in the renting moment.

                        Date delivery the car…………………………………….

                        Place delivery the car……………………………………

        -The RENTER will return the car in the technical state in which it was delivered to him , together with its documents and equipments on the date and in the place established in the contract of renting. 
Date returned the car…………………………………….

                        Place returned the car……………………………………

        -The return of the car will be done by the RENTER on the day already mentioned in the contract. For any delay up to 5 hours will be paid a tax of 3 €/hour, and for the exceed on this term the RENTER will pay on more day for rent. Any delay will be announce by phone before return of the car mentioned in the contract. Otherwise the LOCATOR has the right to announce the theft of the car to the police.

-          In case  the return the car by  RENTER early than date established in the contract by personal reason the RENTER is obliged to pay 20% by value of one day of rent, for each day left .

-          The delivery of the car will be done wiv a limits of 300km/day of renter four 1-3 days in the country, and outsid of country the limit is for the interer period. For the exceed on this limits the RENTER will pay 0.15€/ for each km.

      -     The delivery of the car will be done with the car clean and the tank full and its return in the same way. Otherwise the LOCATOR will be     paid 25 Lei the praise for washing car and the value of the missing fuel at the price of 2 €/L.



       The RENTER is obliged :

                        - not to transport passengers or goods for money

                        - not to trail another car or anything else      

                        -  not to use the car for races or any other type of contest 

                        -  not to drive the car if under the influence of alcoholic drinks, drugs or any other substances

                        -  not to under- rent, seales or associated with the car to some third persons

                        -  to use the car just on europeen or national roads

                        -  not to go with the car outside of country just with approbation of the Locator

                        -  not to use the car in contradiction with the Romanian laws and the traffic rules valid on public roads on the whole Romanian territory and outside its borders, as the case may be         

In case the car breaks down, to announce the LOCATOR by phone immediately:

                                  a . if the problem that appeared is not due to a bad use of the car by the RENTER , the LOCATOR is obliged to put at his disposition another car of the same type and value as long as he has available cars. If  the LOCATOR has no other available car he is obliged to return the money for the renting period that remained till the contract expires.

                                  b . if the problem that appeared is due to a bad use of the car by the renter, the LOCATOR is not obliged to any kind of damages neither returning the money nor providing another car in the value of the contract . The RENTER will take the car for his paymants to being repaired after an agreement with the LOCATOR only in a representation of the car mark he rented, or if in the area where the car damaged there is no such representation the repairs will be done only in authorized services.

                                  c .when the RENTER overreach the border of the Romanian country is obliged to pay all damaged who does not enter under incidence of insurance , wath can be done only in a representation of the car mark he renter , or in to authorized services.


V.                PAYMENTS  

          The RENTER is obliged - to pay in advance the counter-value of renting the car according to the contract : cash, credit card or by banking transfer in to account IBAN of the banks B.C.R. – Baia Mare : RO 19RNCB.0182034142930001.

-     to pay in advance a value what represent on guarantee deposit , who repay to the and of  contract when the renter returning the car in good condition. Whis value is different, depending on each kind of car : 150€- 250€        

-          to support all the costs connected to the participation in traffic,that is: parking tax,  highway tax and any type of fines that the renter is guilty of in the period of the contract even those that arrive later on the number and address of the car.

-          to pay when returning the car in case of damaging or losing the next chattels :

                 • 150 € in case of damaging or losing the car documents

                 • 100-200 € in case of damaging or losing the car keys

                 •  90 € in case of damaging or losing the spare wheel

                 •  50-100 € in case of breaking the wing mirrors  after the car type

                 •  50 € in case of damaging or losing the jack and wheel key

                 •  50 € in case of damaging or losing the antenna of the car

                 •250 € in case of damaging or losing the radio-cassette recorder and amplifiers

                 •100-450€ for any other kind of damages found when returning the car different from those stipulated in the report of delivery-reception signed by the parties when taking the car burns and spots of any kind on the tapestry, ceiling, doors and boot; damaged rear-view mirror inside the car, scratches and traces on the exterior of the car, etc .The sum is corresponding to an evaluation made by the representation of the car mark or where the isn`t one, by an authorized service.


VI.             INSURANCE

   The car is insurance FULL- CASCO in the categorie destinate of rent a cars.

   The RENTER and the other participants in the journey are not insured by our company at all.

   The LOCATOR will not be responsible for the damage or theft of any thing belonging to the RENTER or his companions during the contract.

   The RENTER is obliged to pay in case of accident made in his fault, 100 € FRANCIZA and olso the 30% by value of one day of rent, for   each day when stay the car in service, the day needful repair the car .

   If the RENTER drives the car in contradiction with those stipulated in contract and damages the car in any kind he will be obliged to support the payment of the whole repair for the car he rented.



 a . In case of accident the RENTER has the obligation:

         - to obtain the name and address of the other party involved in the accident

         - to obtain the documents mentioning the car damages elaborated by the police together with the test for the level of alcohol in the blood

         - to obtain and hand in to the company the annex 2 from the police necessary for the insurance company, the repair authorization issued by the police, copies after the identity document, the driving license, the registration certificate and the insurance RCA. of the other car s involved in the accident.

         - to announce the LOCATOR in the shortest time by phone or by any other means of rapid communication .

b . In case of theft the RENTER has the obligation :

         - not to forget the exact position and place where he parked the car taking reference points in case of not knowing that area

         - to announce the car theft to the nearest police station in the area and also to the LOCATOR in the shortest time by phone or by any other  means of rapid communication .

c . The RENTER must not live the car without insuring it against theft as follows:

         - to lock the car and to check if this thing has been done according to the locking system existing in each car

         - to switch on the alarm systems if the car is equipped with them

         - to not let or forget the documents of the car registration certificate, insurance RCA, contract of renting inside the car



This contract becomes valid once it is signed in two copies by the two parties involved and it represents executor title in court in case any divergence appeared during the contract is not solved in an amiable way.




LOCATOR                                                                                                   RENTER


 Represented by



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